Course Technician

The CEFETS carry through the formation by means of actual meeting in the distance (seminaries) and, saw e-mail, telephone or virtual platform of education. It is also of responsibility of the CEFET to assist the systems of education in the activities of spreading and implantation of the Course Technician of Formation for the Employees of the Education. However, Profuncionrio searchs in its formation to make with that the employees perceive the importance of the social function who exert in the school. Of this form Profuncionrio must provide clear understanding of the paper that the school must play next to the pupils, in view of that is each more evident time the relevance of the social responsibility. Thus the formation technique of these professionals if becomes each time more evident due the demand of professionals capable to act in socially responsible way.

3. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROEMPLOYEE PROGRAM IN THE REGIONAL DIRECTION OF EDUCATION OF MIRACEMA OF THE TOCANTINS? YOU the Been O of the Tocantins was one of the few states of the federacy that adopted the proposal of the Program Profuncionrio. In April of 2006, for initiative of the Federal Government, it starts to offer courses technician of formation for the employees of the education, with national abrangncia and by means of the State Secretariat of the Education and Culture it implants the National Program of Valuation of the Workers in Education – Profuncionrio in the 13 Regional Directions of Education, being disponibilizadas four qualifications: Destined Pertaining to school feeding for the employees who are responsible for the preparation of the feeding and alimentary education of the pupils; Responsible Pertaining to school secretariat for the pertaining to school registers and storage in the pertaining to school secretariat; Responsible Pertaining to school Infrastructure for watching over for the physical structure of the school and responsible Didactic Multimeios for the adequate use them material technological didactic and.