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Argentina Confederation

Sales fall in the shopping malls as the consumer index of the consultants, in February the shopping malls suffered its third consecutive fall in quantities sold. The INDEC February data showed that sales in the shopping malls ceased to grow: in quantities, interannual growth was only 0.3%. But since December the variations were below […]

Friendly Creature

One of the first steps in the adiestracion of dogs is the socialization of the same, socialization is a process in which the dog is taught to interact and relate, both with other dogs, other animals and humans other than its owner. Your dog should also learn to become accustomed, that is to ignore non-hazardous […]


All head is ill a negative opinion of itself: Low self-esteem. I am clumsy, I am bad, I am ugly, poor of me, do not deserve that they want to me, I do not deserve that they admire to me, I do not deserve pardon, I do not deserve good things, etc. A negative opinion […]