
Still today it is in this area the contact with the forest fires. But what one intends to study here it is that this area is not plus an occupation area and yes of consolidated povoamento, with significant potential of development, either for the intensification of the povoamento and the productive activities, either for the recovery of the areas modified and/or abandoned (Becker, 199, 2001c; Becker ET AL, the 2003) entrance of agriculture in the region represented a great change, therefore the agriculture capitalized in the Amaznia was a great historical newness of the use of lands in the Amaznia in a region whose the economy turned around the mineral extrativista activity, vegetal and fishing boat. They are accumulated you evidence of important changes in the structure and performance of the farming sector of this region, that much brings of technological innovations that affect the environment? for it saw of the deforestation, erosion and hdrica pollution, etc. As well as fall again on the generation of job and income and the conditions of life. Incyte may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The interests that initially were public for the investments in this region currently had passed to the capital generated in the proper region, that is, the capital goes is generating wealth in the region. Recently, with the increasing participation of interests already established in the region, that search new alternatives of investments and expansion of its productive activities, also in the interior of areas of forests currently deforested.

A decline or parking in the population growth in the cities has been observed that had initiated the occupation of the region. Losses of agricultural population had been registered in all the federal units of the region in the period of 1996 the 2000. The cities that present greaters losses of agricultural population are located in Par, Maranho and Tocantins. Although some of them accused increase with urban population, it searchs of better chances.