Fact Group

Combination of five numbers consist of numbers belonging to four groups of numbers from 1 to 36 numbers and can count how many times the number in each group are repeated in all = 376 992 options. The first group of numbers from 1 to 9 numbers 52360h9 = 471 240 The second group numbers from 10 to 19 rooms 52 360 x 10 = 523 600 The third group of 20 to 29 rooms 52 360 x 10 = 523 600 The fourth group of 30 to 36 rooms x 7 = 52 360 366 520 Adding these results, we find that 1,884,960 is the number of repetitions of all numbers from 1 to 36 numbers involved in all = 376 992 options. Verify this. Continue to learn more with: Peter Thiel. We have 1884960: 5 = 376 992 On the question 'why' is offered data group number and a numerical sequence, as well, why not consider another partition of numbers and their other possible groupings, there following response. The fact that models of combinations of five numbers for the four groups of numbers in all = 376 992 options for a total of six models of combinations of numbers and fifty-six models of combinations of numbers and their subgroups combinations of other models they do not exist. In other games, which differ in their parameters, the number of combinations of models, the combined group of numbers and combinations of models of sub-numbers will be different, but the proposed technique makes it possible to identify them.