The Solar

The solar radiation is dosfatores that more the thermal profit in the constructions influences and is function daintensidade of the incident solar radiation and the dosmateriais thermal characteristics of construction (LAMBERTS; DUTRA; PEAR TREE, 1997; FLEET and SCHIFFER, 1999). In the summer, the insolation is an important cause of desconfortotrmico in the constructions. The protection of the walls, where the effect of insolaousualmente is lesser, can be made: with painting of clear colors; half sombreamentopor of vegetation or devices of solar protection; with isolamentoutilizando material insulators for the side of it are; with the adoption of walls degrande calorific capacity to cushion the temperature variations exteriore with ventilation for elimination of the internal heat. The coverings can serprotegidas with the lining use, clear, isolating roofing tiles thermal and demateriais of the great thermal inertia (COAST, 1982). For the winter situation, aproveitamentomximo of the insolation also with the use of materials of great capacidadecalorfica can be searched to cushion the thermal variations of exterior temperature and materiaisisolantes for protection of the exterior, aiming at to keep the internal heat to ereduzir the condensation in the internal face of the external walls of the construction (COAST, 1982). According to Olgyay (1998), the localization of the solar protection emrelao to the envidraada surface, for the internal or external side, influences its performance. In accordance with the author, in general protection solarlocalizada in the exterior of the construction presents an effectiveness about 35%maior.

For other elements as curtains and blinds, the color and the material excellent sofatores in the effectiveness of the sombreamento. 3.2. VENTILAONATURAL the ventilation of the inhabited places is necessary for amanuteno of the hygiene conditions, to provide thermal comfort nosmeses of summer and to cool the internal spaces of the building, for thermal way dastrocas between air and the walls (IZARD and GUYOT, 1983).