Letter Pablo Vannuchi

Prezado Mr. Vannuchi, Mr. affirmed that it would deliver the position immediately if it had that to change a comma in this ominous project – the PNDH-3. According to reporter of last week, Mr. (As opposed to shaw family). already thinks about changing some aspects of the famous stalinista act, in view of the firm reaction of different sectors of the society, as the press and the Church, that do not accept that our Country if transforms into a new Cuba, nor that the Christian signals are extirpados of the public places. This test that types as Mr. do not release easy the bone, that is, the stewardships that usufruct in the current fascicomunista government of Lula da Silva. With regard to the persecution promoted for Mr. and the former-minister of Tarso Justice Son-in-law against the colonel Carlos Shining Alberto Ustra, in authentic act of public torture against the military man and its family, I suggest the reading of my text ' ' Why Ustra colonel is hated by the left? ' ' , available in, Flix Maierwww.midiasemmascara.org Brasilia, 22 of March of 2010.P.S.: It also sends its protest against Petista Torquemada having access.