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Drawing Horoscope

Psychologist in this case, helps in choosing the route, vehicles, improvement of security and comfort of the process and provides more the role of "conductor". For 20 years I tried to find an approach which would allow to optimize the process of overcoming the crisis, contributed to the disclosure of potential help in finding his […]

Art Of Using Metaphors

Metaphors, in all their diversity of forms, from early childhood are in our lives. From generation to generation the fairy tales, proverbs, and parables. Metaphor is essentially seeking to circumvent any conscious blocking or resistance to infiltrate the subconscious level. It is the subconscious responds to the puzzle metaphor to find some individual otgadku, which […]

Fairy Tales

In this way, all such methods are based, under the existing different names. In this case it is that decision made by a person may not be aware, and the person begins the same way does not knowingly perform any act aimed at achieving its goals. And then all the going really looks like that […]

Organizational Psychology

However, within training in this specialization are not methods, techniques, methods of working with clients. Do not even go through methods of psychological diagnosis used in advisory work. How not to pass them on specialization "Organizational Psychology" .. Read additional details here: Startapp. People who have such training, perhaps good people of your profile, but […]

Understanding Yourself And Others

In the depths of our unconscious, contains the vast encyclopedia of knowledge and skills and, most important secrets. How much do you know about yourself? Do you know what out of school, worked for three years, a courier, start a family and working, not by constraint, thus continuing the journey of life. Did you know […]

The Elements

All the other chapters of your book, are going away to derive from your thesis. It is as the foundations of your book. Once created the thesis of your book, this it would begin to grow, chapter by chapter.The thesis to you it will maintain focused in the subject. It remembers that if a chapter […]