Course Technician

Today we consume much information. It does not want to say that let us know more and that let us have more wisdom – that is the lived deeply knowledge with ethics, practised. For the education of quality we advance more quickly of the information for the knowledge and for the learning continued and deep we arrive at the wisdom. 4. METHODOLOGY the study planned for this inquiry deals with the contributions of the technologies of the communication and information in the education process and learning for the academic community of the Course Technician in Farming of the Campus of Araguatins of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Tocantins, located in the city of Araguatins, State of the Tocantins, Region North of Brazil. The Hypothesis of the study is ' ' one gives credit that the technologies of implanted information and communication in the Campus of Araguatins of the IFTO influence in the improvement of the process of education and learning of the Course Technician in Farming in the period of 2009 2010' '. Universe of the Population and Sample This study was carried through in the city of Araguatins, State of the Tocantins, in the Region North of Brazil, that was chosen as the universe of the study, the Araguatins Campus of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Tocantins? IFTO.

This school was selected in first place, had to the fact of that it belongs to the Federal Institute of the Tocantins, that is the institution most important of the North of the State of the Tocantins in relation to education technician and superior education, and, on the other hand because the school forms technician that leaves directly for the work market and, finally, because the researcher also is professor in the school. The Araguatins Campus works with basic education with Average education and education Technician in the areas of Farming and Computer science, during the periods of the morning, late and night. It still offers three courses of superior level? Bacharelado in Agronomy (matutino and vespertine period), Licenciatura in Biologia and Licenciatura in Computer science (nocturnal turn). The election of the intentional sample, not probabilist, had the following criteria: Verificao of the universe of the school, that if constitutes of: 957 pupils; 61 professors; 105 support technician (Administrative, financial and pedagogical). Questionnaires had been applied 5% of pupils of the course integrated technician in farming, 28% of professors and 10% professionals of the sector technician. Description of the study place the chosen school is a place that certainly facilitated the adoption of the research and the participation of the chosen universe. The IFTO was created by the Law of N 11,892 of 29 of December of 2008. In the occasion they had been criad