It can be that by ahorrarte a money in aesthetic procedures, as patient to a plastic surgery you are going to stop to one of those clinics that do not have endorsement, adapted certification, person or facilities to realise this type of interventions. The quality of the aesthetic procedures is ligature to the moderation of the costs that guarantee the efficiency and the capacity of the plastic surgeons to exert their profession by means of the use of technologies and medecines adapted for each patient and type of surgery. The main recommendation when a clinic of plastic surgery looks for is to suspect the supplies and reductions offered in the heading. Before it will realise a procedure is important that the same patient is the one who verifies if the infrastructure on which it tells the clinic is the suitable one. In addition fjate if it fulfills the established minimum tariffs in each one of the procedures. Considerations that there are to consider before a plastic surgery the reasons to take into account in the health of the patient are: Hypertension arterial? Diabetes? Allergies? Tobacco addiction, alcohol or drug addiction? Pulmonary problems and cardiac special Things? The microdermoabrasin and ray apparatuses laser certificates must be only operated by doctors. The incorrect handling of this type of utensils can generarte injuries of by life.
It takes immediately medecines recommended by your doctor and you do not suspend to them because already you feel well, but until it indicates it to the doctor. In the case of blefaroplastia it places ice covered or smooth fabric up to 48 hours after the surgery. When you wash to the face hazlo of smooth way and without lastimarte. You do not expose yourself to the sun during the week following to the surgery. As far as you implant liquids you do not allow that they put products to you that do not have official recognition before the organ in charge to regulate the plastic surgeries in your country.
You implant liquids do not have to be provided in high volume because severe and irreversible complications can appear. It suspects the low costs in aesthetic surgeries, the majority clinics and pseudo come from doctors who only want to make money at the cost of your health. If you are put under a liposuction it initiates prescribed medecines that your doctor ordered after to have eaten and you do not suspend until finishing them them. It deals with levantarte more soon possible, this will favor a quick recovery. After liposuction you can present/display vertigo to levantarte so before doing it voltate of the side and soon it begins to levantarte. It is very important to be accompanied when you move. In case of feeling I am annoying upwards consumes a liquid and acustate with the legs. Bate during the first 48 hours with lukewarm water. It avoids the exhibition to the sun, especially if you have zones dwelled in the skin. It attends your medical appointments precise and, if you have some emergencia you do not doubt in going with your plastic surgeon. The risks of all plastic surgery? Infections? Neuronal damage, to weaves or other organs? Reactions to medecines? Embolias due to the excess of anesthesia? Hidden scars but ineffaceable? Excessive bleeding? Unequal fat extraction? Loss of sensitivity in the operated area