Marketing Career

In my career as a marketer, one of the most important things I’ve learned is to try to see the human side of things to have successful campaigns. After all, and something that is logical, it is people to whom we sell. But unfortunately sometimes forgets that, and especially when we work online. What is what makes me say something? I’ve seen as many colleagues become teachers in the positioning of web pages for example. They also know how to create spectacular videos, that would be the envy of many television stations which do not have someone After Effects at that level.

But their ventures on the Internet fail because they forget the most important thing: internet advertising is something psychological. That is, they are people who have to convince. It is no good having a spectacular listing in the technical part, but not it motivates people to do anything or to act. Thats obviously a mistake in internet advertising (and which is also out of it), we must never lose the course; Sometimes we go by the newest techniques or the one that sounds more spectacular then that we focus on things that do not generate sales, which do not cause emotions. Reminds me those people they send to make their pages in flash, with a few very well-designed intros, but ultimately does not tell the user anything. Simply make you view with interest the entry, then go to another page to find something that meets your search. Why the technique of sales letters I really like: mostly simple pages full of text and quite long.

In my country (Mexico) many are reluctant to take advantage of them because having no images they feel that it is wasting time. But those sales letters have generated me more prospects than ever before. Why? If they are directed to the appropriate prospectus, we captaremos your attention. Doesn’t matter if it is long, if you want to terminate it; on the contrary, if it is a person that you not going to be able to sell anything, no matter it short or long to be, were not going to cause any reaction in him because he is simply not interested. Learn from the technical aspect, but a publicist on the internet must know how to reach people, move the fibers. You should even leave the technical part to designers and programmers, which focuses on creating content quality that will make buyers take out credit card, that’s his only goal. After all, advertising is to sell, if you do not sell are wasting your time.