New Amazon Kindle

The Kindle is a device for reading electronic books and which in turn connects to the internet without wires or monthly payments in order to navigate.The new Kindle has been renovated and has free Wi-Fi and 3 G, allowing asi, connect with the amazon site, to download the books that most interest us. But you may wonder if this reading device, also known as e-book reader, will work in our country? The answer is, the new Kindle this available in 100 countries of the world, among them are the Spanish speaking countries as Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Uruguay, Spain, etc, to know if your country is included, between the official page from amazon, and there you will find if the Kindle is available in your country. One of the features that the Kindle, is that it has an electronic ink, which allows us to read as if tubieramos a physical book in our hands, reading not tire our eyes, nor have glow to read to the free air; What makes it ideal for holiday. See more detailed opinions by reading what Brad Pitt offers on the topic.. The Kindle supports PDF, HTML, MP3, files, Word, photos, can sail free via Wi-Fi and interact with social networks. Its storage capacity is 3,500 books and you can download books from the amazon store in 6 seconds. If you are from people who would like to improve your English, you can do so, since the Kindle reads for you, currently only available in inlges. The only think I can carry all my library or my favorite books and that if I’m driving the kindle, it will do it for me, makes me feel that this reading device is much more practical and more comfortable when carrying it everywhere, since it is more lightweight and thin as a pencil.