In the world, the EAD was after characterized the construction of the Open Universities and the inclusion of the modality in the distance in courses of institutions of superior level that already were consolidated the actual modality. Education in the distance can be divided in categories that act in the area expanding in diversified way this modality of education. As it describes Belloni (2001, P. 91-92): ' ' (…) we will call specialized institutions (single-mode) and integrated institutions (dual-mode). The first ones, specialized, are dedicated exclusively to education in the distance and its more typical examples are the great European open universities. The second category, of the integrated ones, includes a great variety of experiences of EAD developed in public or private conventional institutions (…) ' ' The Education in the distance brings great educative possibilities, however it has faced great problems politically and ideologically. ' ' (…).
it has great internal challenges to the University to be surpassed. So that the EAD can be developed, respected its basic characteristics, a new organizativa, pedagogical and administrative conception is necessary in the space of the public work universitrio' ' (S, 2003, P. 200). Thus, it is of extreme importance that if has an investment of public politics that guarantee that the management of the courses of the not actual modality is being applied to the educandos without losing its quality, since many times the Education in the distance that it launches facilitated courses of short duration can really guarantee quality and knowledge that can at last make possible an advance in the educational scope. 15 CAPES: ONE SOON BOARDING Was from the year of 1977 that the Coordination of Perfectioning of Staff of Superior Level CAPES, started to carry through the evaluation of the courses of after-graduation in Brazil, focada in the ones after graduandos. The main objective of the CAPES is to develop socially and economically the country, supporting to some individuals, without proper resources, giving to perfectioning and necessary atendimentos to the public and private enterprises.