Shaun Gallagher

This gives us an idea why can not assert that the identity of the history that we have about our lives is the product of a itself unitary, rather there is to say that every story we tell about ourselves is told by a same if different, from which it follows that we are many yes same telling different stories of what we are and the reason of what history will become the primary at any given time is due to the way in which we process the informationbeing a key factor in the determination of which history, within the many competing in our mind, accessibility you will have primacy over the others and be manifest to consciousness. Although the communication between modules is not perfect, the authors followed that still this communication has an adaptive advantage, for example, the subvocalizacion allows us to enter into a dialogue with ourselves that evolutionarily be explained by our need to find answers to the questions about our position and orientation in the world. Verbalize our thoughts and be aware of our mental States should make possible the self-regulation conscious that it gave us a sense of unity, first behavioural and then existential. The first sense of unity can be analogado with what Shaun Gallagher has been called I minimum. This involves the senses of unit and agency in the context both of the motor action and cognition (Gallagher, 2000, 15). As such, the minimal self has no temporal depth only includes immediate subjective experience that depends on brain processes and a body embedded in the environment. The experience of oneself in a given environment, which constitutes the first sense of itself, may be present since childhood and its functions would be the of: (1) allow the distinction between me and not – me; (2) locate and use parts of the body with meaningless without mediation of the vision; and (3) recognize that face being viewed is in the same class as their own.