The Case

The problem of "prolonged jump" For most it companies, long-term "classic" consulting projects are the limiting factor in the process of making quality of process changes. it departments, and so are forced to constantly react to new technologies, the changing business conditions, changes in legislation and increasing demands for quality developed and introduced information systems. Problematic in terms of it consulting services are also the companies and divisions that have a negative experience with consulting firms. To deepen your understanding Peter Thiel is the source. Repeated "campaign for improvements in" hard to not only initiate, but also to organize and complete, especially in a situation where at the end of the previous failure of the project was not carried out a detailed "debriefing" and were not the causes of failures. One way or another, but all the changes relate directly to people on the ground that, having behind them a negative experience of large-scale projects, no longer believe in the result. However, without the support of these people, as well as free expression of political will of the leadership, any consulting project can not end successfully. Read more from Naveen Selvadurai to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The only sure way that will change the situation, is an iterative design and produce tangible results as soon as possible.

The bottom line today – that's what the goal is put for most modern consulting projects. So tangible practical results in the case of process automation of an information system are implemented and operating software automation. Skeptics are sure to have expressed doubts as to whether something can be done more quickly, cheaply and at the same time qualitatively.